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Artist Statement

I create visually pleasing artworks that bring awareness to serious topics like women’s and animal rights. I enjoy making work that reflects my personal values and that sheds light upon these important topics to make people think and strike up conversations with each other. I also create my work for the enjoyment of others and to spread a healthy message to others about acceptance, body positivity and compassion.  I plan to create work that is easy to distribute, that speaks to many different people, and is meaningful.

My work always begins as a rough sketch in whatever notebook I happen to be carrying with me at the time. I sketch ideas ‘on the go’ and come back to them when I have time to fully explore them. Most of my work is very “sweet” and “feminine” looking and I like the contrast of having delicate, approachable artwork that draws people in and then revealing a real message behind it. I like to work with watercolour and ink as well as working with gouache, pencil crayon and acrylic on wood. I always enjoyed exploring many different types of media, which is probably why I am attracted to creatinga lot of mixed media pieces. I have also more recently been scanning some of my artworks on to my computer and using Photoshop and Illustrator to work into them digitally.

My current work involves exploring a more design-based style of illustration and merging a traditional approach with some digital aspects. A lot of my projects are heading in a graphic design and product design direction, as I am interested in creating easily accessible and affordable art pieces that are available to everyone. The current projects I am working on involve creating designs that can easily be translated into pins, patches and other accessories. Art pieces that can double as fashion accessories are really fun to me, and the idea of creating something that is beautiful, wearable and that spreads a message is something I want to explore, as well as something that I think would hold interest for a lot of people

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